Finance Assistance: Education Loan

Education loans are loans issued for the purpose of attending an academic university and pursuing an academic degree. Education loans can be obtained from the government or through private sector lending sources. Federal loans often offer lower interest rates. Some also offer subsidized interest. Private sector loans generally follow more of a traditional lending process for application with rates typically higher than federal government loans.

Quality education is a must for a complete and successful life. For many, it is equivalent to graduating from a top institution. The cost of education is, however, increasing rapidly. In fact, the cost of studying at reputed institutions is already quite high. Keeping this in mind, parents, who want to provide their children with the best possible education, invest their money in mutual funds, fixed deposits, unit-linked insurance plans etc., Banks normally provide education loans to students who have obtained admission to professional and career-oriented courses like medicine, engineering, management etc., either at the graduate or post-graduate level. An offer letter or a conditional offer letter is often required to avail an education loan from any bank. Without an offer letter, it might become difficult to get a loan for education. Banks consider many factors before considering a loan application. Some of them are as under: Student’s examination scores, academic background, achievements, and recognitions are considered as important factors when processing a loan application. Accredited colleges or colleges of repute often hold higher value when it comes to education loan processing and disbursal. It also helps the banks to decide whether the students will be able to repay the education on time or not.

We are helping students to get Education Loan from Reputed Banks.

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Finance Assistance: Scholarships

A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid. The term can also refer to simply dedicating one's time to mastery of a particular subject.

A scholarship is financial support awarded to a student, based on academic achievement or other criteria that may include financial need, for the purpose of schooling. There are various types of scholarships – the two most common being merit-based and need-based. The donor or department funding the scholarship sets the criteria for recipient selection, and the grantor specifically defines how the money is to be applied. The funds are used to defray the costs of tuition, books, room, board and other expenses directly tied to a student’s educational cost through the university. Scholarships are typically awarded using a variety of factors, including - but not limited to, academic achievement, departmental and community involvement, employment experience, areas of study, and financial need. The majority of universities will offer a select number of scholarships, sourced from university funds or benefactor donations. The scholarships will be specific to each university, and the number offered by each institution may vary from year to year according to funds available. We are helping student to get scholarship in India as well as abroad.

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